New Blog Post at Suite101

I’ve just realized how ungrammatical the title ‘How Much Do You Want To Be Published?’ is. But once it’s posted it’s there. 🙂

3 Responses to “New Blog Post at Suite101”

  1. aliettedb says:

    That’s interesting… The main reason I don’t take Matthieu along to cons is that his English is OK but not great, and that he gets tired very easily. Also, I know how quickly conversations in the biz degenerate to writer or editor-specific stuff, out of which you can quickly feel excluded. I’ve never actually thought of cons as business, though–for me, they’re just an occasion to have fun and meet new people (and I have to think of them this way, otherwise I’ll be paralysed with shyness).

  2. Colin says:

    Whereas for me thinking of them as business MAKES me go into a big room full of strangers! Although nowadays most cons aren’t full of strangers — although I can still feel a little excluded as I enter the room the first night at a local con, when people sit hunched over tables talking to each other.
    The difference is that you have a day job which enables you to view it as a hobby. For me it’s a profession, albeit one I love, and this is the point of the post. I’ve spoken to too many people at cons who think they can earn a living from it while behaving as if it’s a hobby…
    I hope you continue to enjoy it for what it is, ‘an occasion to have fun and meet new people’!

  3. aliettedb says:

    The difference is that you have a day job which enables you to view it as a hobby
    It does occupy a kind of uncomfy middle ground for me, halfway between a hobby and a serious job (I don’t hope to make a living out of it, but if I don’t take it seriously I wouldn’t even be motivated to write novels…). But yeah, the con approach is definitely a hobby one.
    >I hope you continue to enjoy it for what it is, ‘an occasion to have fun and meet new people’!
    Thanks, I hope so too (otherwise I’ll have to do something about the shyness…)

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• October 7th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 3